Home CPAP Titration
Publicado em 27/10/2020
Home CPAP Titration is an appropriate exam for persons diagnosed with sleep obstructive apnea, targeting to detect the ideal treatment pressure with the positive pressure equipment (CPAP).
The exam works the following way: after appointment with the physiotherapist from the Instituto do Sono, the patient goes back home taking the equipment which he or she will use during four nights. Between one night and the other, the equipment´s registered data are evaluated by a professional who is following up the patient at distance. The pressure, leaking, apnea and oxygen level variables, allow the identification of the ideal therapeutic pressure.
The Home CPAP Titration is an alternative to the exam of Polysonogram with CPAP Titration which, due to the pandemics, is not being performed at the laboratory. As it is not a polysomnogram, the variables of cerebral and muscular electric activities, eye movement, nose and mouth air flow, and respiratory effort, are not registered.
Click here for more details of this exam.