
HYBRID COURSE – Sleep Physiotherapy

Sleep Physiotherapy is a highly promising, rapidly expanding field of practice that is accredited by the Federal Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.  The course is comprised of 10 modules designed for physiotherapists interested in the field of sleep. Each module will take place on weekends in an online format, except for one in-person weekend dedicated to clinical practice at the Institute of Sleep facilities. Filled with real clinical cases and based on up-to-date scientific evidence, the course equips participants with an understanding of sleep disorders for clinical decision-making in a transdisciplinary manner and the knowledge of individualized and patient-centered physiotherapeutic treatment.

The course is an immersion into Sleep Physiotherapy and serves as preparation for everyday clinical reasoning and practice. The teaching staff consists of professionals from various fields and regions of the country, known as references both in Brazil and abroad, with clinical and scientific research experience, leveraging interdisciplinarity, which is crucial for the promotion, prevention, and treatment of sleep disorders.


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Detalhes do Curso


Dra. Cristina Frange

Público-alvo: Fisioterapeutas e estudantes de Fisioterapia.


Curso híbrido - aulas teóricas e teórico-práticas, síncronas mais 1 aula prática presencial. Obs.: as aulas serão gravadas e após 7 dias da aula, disponibilizadas para acesso pelo período de 21 dias.

Carga horária: 160 horas

Quando: a definir

Matrícula: R$ 425,00

Mensalidade: R$ 8.500,00 (10 mensalidades de R$850,00 no cartão de crédito ou com 10% de desconto para alunos e ex-alunos de cursos regulares do Instituto do Sono - AFIP).

Investimento Total: R$ 8.925,00

Vagas Limitadas

Local: As aulas presenciais serão realizadas na unidade Marselhesa: Rua Marselhesa, 500 – 7º andar - Vila Clementino – São Paulo - SP.

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