About our Courses

How it all started…

Instituto do Sono’s programs were first created in 1998, given the need for better training of sleep professionals.

The initiative was groundbreaking and broadly accepted. Our multidisciplinary team’s experience in research, care and education led to the creation of new courses.

Since then, professionals and students from all over the country who are interested in the field have had the opportunity to qualify themselves with the best sleep study professionals.

Other differentials

  • We are a world reference in sleep and our structure allow us to provide the students, in a complementary manner to their theoretical activities, the possibility of learning by practicing.
  •  The Capacitation Courses in Medicine and Sleep Dentistry have specific outpatient teaching facilities, at which the students can access the clinical practice and their patients, to a full and free assistance.
  • Programs in Pediatrics and Dentistry have specific ambulatory teaching clinics. Students have access to clinical practice while the patients recruited have access to complete care, free of charge.
  • The Technology Course in Polysonogram includes following up practical activities from the routine of Brazil’s biggest sleep laboratory.
  • The students may follow up the ambulatory activities of the Instituto do Sono’s specialties.

Reference in Sleep

Nowadays, we offer more than 20 courses, with different approaches and workload, educating professionals all over the country. The courses, ministered by renowned professors and international guests, grant access to the latest in terms of knowledge and technology, contributing to improvements in the quality of population assistance.

We graduate technologists, physicians and all other health professionals who work in the area of sleep and in the sleep laboratories in the whole of Brazil. Promoting the apprenticeship as a reference, we accomplish the mission of producing, applying and propagating knowledge.


Participated in our courses

from 1998 to 2024

2.000 2.000+

Doctors of various specialties

200 200+

Polysomnography analysts

1.700 1.700+

Polysomnogram Technologists

1.500 1.500+

Students in Multiprofessional Courses


Anna Carla Smith

Anna Carla Smith

Course Coordinator

Anna Carla Smith
Graduated Medical Doctor by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.  Specialist in Neurology and Neurophysiology by the Universidade de São Paulo – Ribeirão Preto and the Brazilian Academy of Neurology. Specialist in Sleep Medicine by...
Cibele Dal Fabbro

Cibele Dal Fabbro

Course Coordinator

Cibele Dal Fabbro
Dental Surgeon.  Ph.D. – UNIFESP. Master in Oral Rehabilitation – FOB-USP. Specialist in Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain. Specialist in Acupuncture – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo...
Dalva Poyares

Dalva Poyares

Course Coordinator

Dalva Poyares
Medical Doctor by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Ph.D. in Neuroscience by UNIFESP (1997). Associate Professor of the UNIFESP (2007). Associate Professor of UNIFESP´s Department of Psychobiology. Associate Researcher of the...
Giovanna Diaféria

Giovanna Diaféria

Course Coordinator 

Giovanna Diaféria
Certified Speech Therapist in Sleep by the Brazilian Association of Sleep. Master Science by UNIFESP. Ph.D. in Neuroscience by the UNIFESP. Specialist in Orofacial Motricity and in Speech by the Federal Council of Speech Therapy –...
Gustavo Moreira

Gustavo Moreira

Course Coordinator

Gustavo Moreira
Specialist in Pediatrics and Sleep Medicine. Fellowship, sector of Pediatric Pneumology, Johns Hopkins University. Ph.D. by the UNIFESP. Physician and Researcher of Instituto do Sono.
Ligia Lucchesi

Ligia Lucchesi

Course Coordinator

Ligia Lucchesi
Medical Doctor by the Faculdade de Medicina de Sorocaba. Specialist in Psychiatry by the Comissão Especial do Título de Especialista em Psiquiatria. Specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology by the Brazilian Society of Clinical...
Milton Maluly

Milton Maluly

Course Coordinator

Milton Maluly
Graduated in Dentistry by the Faculdade de Odontologia de Lins (1988). Specialist in Restauration Dentistry by the Foundation for the Scientific and Technological Advances in Dentistry – USP(1993). Specialist in Dental Prosthetics by the...
Monica Andersen

Monica Andersen

Director of Education and Research

Monica Andersen
Associate Professor of the Discipline of Sleep Medicine and Biology of the Departamento do Sono at UNIFESP.
Noélly F. Mendes

Noélly F. Mendes

Education and Research Coordinator 

Noélly F. Mendes
Administrator, with specialization in Management of Projects and Financial Market (CPA-10).
Priscila Morelhão

Priscila Morelhão


Priscila Morelhão
Physiotherapist, with a doctorate in Physiotherapy from Universidade Estadual Paulista and post-doctorate with emphasis in Sleep Medicine at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo.
Roberta Siufi

Roberta Siufi

Vice President of Operations, Peoples and Supply

Roberta Siufi
MBA in Strategic and Economics Business Management by Fundação Getulio Vargas.  MBA by Universidade Central de Belas Artes de São Paulo.
Sandra Doria

Sandra Doria

Course Coordinator

Sandra Doria
Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist in the Sleep Medicine field. Master and Ph.D. by Santa Casa of São Paulo. Professor at Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo.
Sergio Tufik

Sergio Tufik


Sergio Tufik
Full Professor at UNIFESP. 
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