Apneia do sono

Akamine RT, Grossklauss LF, Moreira GA, Pradella- Hallinan M, Chiéia MA, Mesquita D, Oliveira ASB, Tufik S

Treatment of sleep central apnea with non-invasive mechanical ventilation with 2 levels of positive pressure (bilevel) in a patient with myotonic dystrophy type 1

Sleep Sci7(2):117-21.7(2):117-21.doi: 10.1016/j.slsci.2014.09.002.


Risso TT, Poyares D, Rizzi CF, Pulz C, Guilleminault C, Tufik S, De Paola AAV, Cintra F

The impact of sleep duration in obstructive sleep apnea patients

Sleep Breath17(2):837-4317(2):837-43doi: 10.1007/s11325-012-0774-3

Polese JF, Santos-Silva R, Ferrari PMO, Sartori DE, Tufik S, Bittencourt L

Is portable monitoring for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea syndrome suitable in elderly population? 

Sleep Breath17(2):679-86.17(2):679-86.doi: 10.1007/s11325-012-0742-y

Rizzi CF, Cintra F, Mello-Fujita L, Rios LF, Mendonca ET, Feres MC, Tufik S, Poyares D

Does obstructive sleep apnea impair the cardiopulmonary response to exercise?

Sleep36(4):547-53.36(4):547-53.doi: 10.5665/sleep.2542

Hirotsu C, Tufik S, Guindalini C, Mazzotti DR, Bittencourt LR, Andersen ML

Association between uric acid levels and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in a large epidemiological sample

PLoS One8(6):e668918(6):e66891doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066891

Togeiro SM, Carneiro G, Ribeiro Filho FF, Zanella MT, Santos-Silva R, Taddei JA, Bittencourt LR, Tufik S

Consequences of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on metabolic profile: a population-based survey

Obesity21(4):847-5121(4):847-51doi: 10.1002/oby.20288

Vidigal TA, Haddad FLM, Gregório LC, Poyares D, Tufik S, Bittencourt LRA

Subjective, anatomical, and functional nasal evaluation of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Sleep Breath17(1):427-33.17(1):427-33.doi: 10.1007/s11325-012-0667-5

Kim LJ, Barros LA, Tufik S, Andersen ML

Another view of phenotypic evaluation in obstructive sleep apnea

J Appl Physiol114(8):1120114(8):1120doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00193.2013

Alves ES, Ackel-D’Elia C, Luz GP, Cunha TCA, Carneiro G, Tufik S, Bittencourt LRA, De Mello MT

Does physical exercise reduce excessive daytime sleepiness by improving inflammatory profiles in obstructive sleep apnea patients? 

Sleep Breath17(2):505-10.17(2):505-10.doi: 10.1007/s11325-012-0729-8.

Diaferia G, Badke L, Santos-Silva R, Bommarito S, Tufik S, Bittencourt LRA

Effect of speech therapy as adjunct treatment to continuous positive airway pressure on the quality of life of patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Sleep Med14(7):628-35.14(7):628-35.doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2013.03.016

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