Apneia do sono

Bezerra AG, Andersen ML, Tufik S, Hachul H

Is acupuncture a real alternative treatment for mild apnea? 

Sleep Sci5(4):106.5(4):106.

Servantes DM, Pelcerman A, Salvetti XM, Salles AF, Albuquerque PF, Salles FCA, Lopes C, De Mello MT, Almeida DR, Oliveira Filho JA

Effects of home-based exercise training for patients with chronic heart failure and sleep apnoea: a randomized comparison of two different programmes

Clin Rehab26(1):45-57.26(1):45-57.doi: 10.1177/0269215511403941

Sukys-Claudino L, Moraes W, Guilleminault C, Tufik S, Poyares D

Beneficial effect of donepezil on obstructive sleep apnea: A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical Trial

Sleep Med13(3):290-613(3):290-6doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2011.09.014

Yagihara F, Lucchesi LM, D’Almeida V, Mello MT, Tufik S, Bittencourt LR

Oxidative stress and quality of life in elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: are there differences after six months of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment? 

Clinics (Sao Paulo)67(6):565-72.67(6):565-72.doi: 10.6061/clinics/2012(06)04

Andersen ML, Tufik S, Cavalheiro EA, Arida RM, de Albuquerque M, Matos G, Scorza FA

Lights out! It is time for bed. Warning: obstructive sleep apnea increases risk of sudden death in people with epilepsy

Epilepsy Behav23(4):510-1.23(4):510-1.doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2012.01.026.

Koyama RG, Esteves AM, Silva LO, Lira FS, Bittencourt LRA, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Prevalence of and risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Brazilian railroad workers

Sleep Med13(8):1028-3213(8):1028-32doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.06.017

Ramos-Xavier F, Bennedsen L, Hachul H, Andersen ML, Tufik S

Demand for multicentric climatic research to investigate the relationship between sleep apnea andother disorders and seasonality

Chest 142(6):1689142(6):1689doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1543

Oliveira MG, Nery LE, Santos-Silva R, Sartori DE, Alonso FF, Togeiro SM, Tufik S, Bittencourt L

Is portable monitoring accurate in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in chronic pulmonary obstructive disease? 

Sleep Med13(8):1033-8.13(8):1033-8.doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.06.011

Ackel-D’Elia C, da Silva AC, Santos Silva R, Truksinas E, Sousa BS, Tufik S, De Mello MT, Bittencourt LRA

Effects of exercise training associated with continuous positive airway pressure treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Sleep Breath16(3):723-35.16(3):723-35.doi: 10.1007/s11325-011-0567-0.

Zimberg IZ, Fernandes Jr SA, Crispim CA, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Metabolic impact of shift work

Work41(Suppl.1):4376-83.41(Suppl.1):4376-83.doi: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0733-4376.

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