Atividade física

Silva-Batista C, Kanegusuku H, Roschel H, Souza EO, Cunha TF, Laurentino GC, Manoel N Jr, De Mello MT, Piemonte ME, Brum PC, Forjaz CL, Tricoli V, Ugrinowitsch C

Resistance training with instability in multiple system atrophy: a case report

J Sports Sci Med13(3):597-603.13(3):597-603.

Ackel-D’Elia C, Carnier J, Bueno Jr CR, Campos RMS, Sanches PL, Clemente APG, Tufik S, De Mello MT, Dâmaso AR

Effects of different physical exercises on leptin concentration in obese adolescents

Int J Sports Med35:164-71.35:164-71.doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1345128.

Fernandes L, Lungato L, Zaros T, Marinho R, Cavalcante-Silva V, Nagaoka MR, D’Almeida V

Detraining leads to weight gain and a decrease in hepatic glycogen after 8 weeks of training

J Liver3(3):1593(3):159doi: 10.4172/2167-0889.1000159

Cavagnolli DA, Esteves AM, Ackel-D’Elia C, Maeda MY, Faria AP, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Aerobic exercise does not change C-reactive protein levels in non-obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea

Eur J Sport Sci.14(suppl 1):S142-S14714(suppl 1):S142-S147doi: 10.1080/17461391.2012.663412


Cavagnolli DA, Esteves AM, Castiglione MLV, Batista IR, Bressan RA, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Dopamine transporter shown by SPECT in patients with Periodic Leg Movement after acute physical exercise

Med Sci Sports Exerc45(2):224-945(2):224-9doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e318270306c

De Mello MT, Lemos VA, Antunes HKM, Bittencourt L, Santos-Silva R, Tufik S

Relationship between physical activity and depression and anxiety symptoms: A population study

J Affect Disord149(1-3):241-6.149(1-3):241-6.doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2013.01.035.

Alves ES, Lemos VA, Silva FR, Lira FS, Santos RVT, Rosa JPP, Caperuto E, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Low-Grade Inflammation and Spinal Cord Injury: Exercise as Therapy? 

Mediators Inflamm2013: Article ID 971841, 7 pages.2013: Article ID 971841, 7 pages.doi: 10.1155/2013/971841


Alves ES, Souza HS, Rosa JP, Lira FS, Pimentel GD, Santos RV, Oyama LM, Damaso AR, Oller do Nascimento CM, Viana VA, Boscolo RA, Grassmann V, Santana MG, Tufik S, de Mello MT

Chronic exercise promotes alterations in the neuroendocrine profile of elderly people

Horm Metab Res44(13):975-9.44(13):975-9.doi: 10.1055/s-0032-1316294.

Flausino NH, Prado JMS, Queiroz SS, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Physical exercise performed before bedtime improves the sleep pattern of healthy young good sleepers

Psychophysiology49:186-92.49:186-92.doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2011.01300.x

Silva A, Queiroz SS, Winckler C, Vital R, Sousa RA, Fagundes V, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Sleep quality evaluation, chronotype, sleepiness and anxiety of Paralympic Brazilian athletes: Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

Br J Sports Med46(2):150-446(2):150-4doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2010.077016

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