Modelo animal

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Association of methamidophos and sleep loss on reproductive toxicity of male mice

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Perry JC, Bergamaschi CT, Campos RR, Andersen ML, Casarini DE, Tufik S

Differential sympathetic activation induced by intermittent hypoxia and sleep loss in rats: Action of angiotensin (1-7)

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A new method to produce obstructive sleep apnoea in conscious unrestrained rats

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Perry JC, Bergamaschi CT, Campos RR, Andersen ML, Montano N, Casarini DE, Tufik S

Sympathetic and angiotensinergic responses mediated by paradoxical sleep loss in rats

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Dubiela FP, Messias MF, Moreira KM, Zanlorenci LHF, Grassl C, Frussa Filho R, Nobrega JN, Tufik S, Hipólide DC

Reciprocal interactions between MK-801, sleep deprivation and recovery in modulating rat behavior

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Protective effects of green tea against hepatic injury induced by high-cholesterol diet in rats: histopathological analysis, oxidative DNA damage and COX-2 expression

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Genomic damage in the progression of chronic kidney disease in rats

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Sex differences in sleep pattern of rats in an experimental model of osteoarthritis

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Effects of group exposure on single injection-induced behavioral sensitization to drugs of abuse in mice

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