
Reis MJF, Truzzi GM, Naufel MF, Coelho FMS

Exploring the association between hypocretin-1 levels and bone mineral content in patients with narcolepsy: A cross-sectional study

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Whole-genome analysis of monozygotic Brazilian twins discordant for type 1 narcolepsy: a case report

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Aguilar ACR, Frange C, Huebra L, Gomes ACD, Tufik S, Coelho FMS

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with narcolepsy

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Oliveira GP, Elias RM, Fernandes GBP, Moyses R, Tufik S, Bichuetti DB, Coelho FMS

Decreased concentration of klotho and increased concentration of FGF23 in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with narcolepsy

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Effects of sleep modulation during pregnancy in the mother and offspring: Evidences from preclinical research

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Health-related quality of life in patients with narcolepsy types 1 and 2 from a Sleep Center in Brazil

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Narcolepsy Severity Scale: Experience of a Brazilian Sleep Center

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Pimentel Filho LH, Gomes ACD, Frange C, Tufik S, Coelho FMS

Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Narcolepsy Severity Scale

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Truzzi GM, Naufel MF, Tufik S, Coelho FM

The influence of narcolepsy on olfactory function: a review

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