

Bittencourt LRA, Garbuio SA

Distúrbios respiratórios relacionados ao sono: classificação e diagnóstico

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Restricted and disrupted sleep: Effects on autonomic function, neuroendocrine stress systems and stress responsivity

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Bittencourt LRA, Lucchesi LM, Rueda AD, Garbuio SA, Palombini LO, Guilleminault C, Tufik S

Placebo and modafinil effect on sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea

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Ribeiro Sobrinho DG, Roizenblatt S, Lopes AC, Teixeira RCA, Tufik S

Estudo da capacidade de manter o alerta em pacientes com fibromialgia por meio do teste da manutenção da vigília

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Mello-Fujita L, Roizenblat S, Frison CR, Rodrigues Junior L, Garbuio S, Tufik S, Bittencourt LR

Gastroesophageal reflux episodes in asthmatic patients and their temporal relation with sleep architecture

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