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The reproducibility of clinical OSA subtypes: a population-based longitudinal study

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COVID-19 and Central Nervous System Hypersomnias

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The bidirectional association between sleep quality and low back pain in the older adults: a longitudinal observational study

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Influence of pair-housing on sleep parameters evaluated with actigraphy in female rhesus monkeys

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Sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis: a case-control study using the São Paulo Epidemiologic sleep study (Episono) database

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Gobbi C, Morelhão PK, Branco BHM, Tufik S, Andersen ML

Does exercise improve the sleep quality of older overweight or obese adults?

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Xerfan EMS, Morelhao PK, Arakaki FH, Facina AS, Tomimori J, Xavier SD, Tufik S, Andersen ML

Could melatonin have a potential adjuvant role in the treatment of the lasting anosmia associated with COVID-19? A review

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COVID-19 pandemic is associated with increased sleep disturbances and mental health symptoms but not help-seeking: a cross-sectional nation-wide study

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Assessment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Population-Based Study

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