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OSAS in children: Correlation between endoscopic and polysomnographic findings

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Dubiela FP, Oliveira MGM, Moreira KM, Nobrega JN, Tufik S, Hipolide DC

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Moreira GA, Tufik S, Nery LE, Lutz J, Verfaille K, Luan X, Marcus CL

Acoustic arousal responses in children with obstructive sleep Apnea

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Andersen ML, Tufik S

Does sleep deprivation interfere with sexual behavior in male rats? 


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Head and neck physical examination: comparison between nonapneic and obstructive sleep apnea patients

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Godoi FRL, Oliveira MGM, Tufik S

Effects of paradoxical sleep deprivation on the performance of rats in a model of visual attention

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Papale LA, Andersen ML, Antunes IB, Alvarenga TAF, Tufik S

Sleep pattern in rats under different stress modalities

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Andersen ML, Tufik S

Effects of progesterone blockade over cocaine-induced genital reflexes of paradoxical sleep deprived male rats

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Heart rate variability, sympathetic and vagal balance and EEG arousals in upper airway resistance and mild obstructive sleep apnea syndromes

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Pereira DS, Tufik S, Louzada FM, Benedito-Silva AA, Lopez AR, Lemos NA, Korczak AL, D’Almeida V, Pedrazzoli M

Association of the length polymorphism in the human per3 gene with the delayed sleep-phase syndrome: Does latitude have an influence upon it? 

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