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Decreased muscarinic receptor binding in rat brain after paradoxical sleep deprivation: an autoradiographic study

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Tufik S, Fujita K, Seabra MLV, Lobo LL

Effects of a prolonged administration of valepotriates in rats on the mothers and their offspring

J Ethnopharmacol 41:39-44.41:39-44.doi: 10.1016/0378-8741(94)90055-8


Seabra MLV, Tufik S

Sodium diclofenac inhibits hyperthermia induced by paradoxical sleep deprivation: the possible participation of prostaglandins

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Tufik S, Lobo LL, Medeiros R, Neumann BG, Suchecki D

Efeitos de um concentrado de valepotriatos de valeriana sobre a sonolência diurna e parâmetros de sono noturno em voluntários sadios

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Troncone LRP, Tufik S

Effects of selective adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists on aggressive behavior elicited by apomorphine, DL-Dopa and fusaric acid in REM-sleep-deprived rats

Physiol Behav 50:173-8.50:173-8.doi: 10.1016/0031-9384(91)90517-R


Lobo LL, Neumann BG, Eidman DS, Tufik S

Effects of REM sleep deprivation on ACTH-induced yawning

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Neumann BG, Troncone LRP, Braz S, Tufik S

Modifications on dopaminergic and cholinergic systems induced by the water tank technique: analysis through yawning behavior

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Troncone LRP, Ferreira TMS, Braz S, Silveira-Filho NG, Tufik S

Reversal of the increase in apomorphine-induced stereotypy and aggression in REM sleep deprived rats by dopamine agonist pretreatments

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Andrade LAF, Lima JGC, Tufik S, Bertolucci PHF, Carlini EA

REM sleep deprivation in an experimental model of Parkinson’s disease

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Braz S, Neumann BRG, Tufik S

Avaliação dos distúrbios do sono: elaboração e validação de um questionário

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