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Epidemiological qualitative profiles associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in a population-based sample

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Keenan BT, Kim J, Singh B, Bittencourt L, Chen N-H, Cistulli PA, Magalang UJ, McArdle N, Mindel JW, Benediktsdottir B, Arnardottir ES, Prochnow LK, Penzel T, Sanner B, Schwab RJ, Shin C, Sutherland K, Tufik S, Maislin G, Gislason T, Pack AI

Recognizable clinical subtypes of obstructive sleep apnea across international sleep centers: a cluster analysis

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Araujo P, Coelho CA, Oliveira MG, Tufik S, Andersen ML

Neonatal sleep restriction increases nociceptive sensitivity in adolescent mice

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Influence of lifestyle on postmenopausal women’s sleep

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Insomnia pharmacotherapy: a review of current treatment options for insomnia in menopause

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Santana MG, Passos GS, Boscolo RA, Viana VR, Grassmann V, Tufik S, De Mello MT

Does Obstructive Sleep Apnea impact the sleep quality, physical capacity, mood and quality of life of elderly lean men? 

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Assessment of tolerance to the effects of methamphetamine on daytime and nighttime activity evaluated with actigraphy in rhesus monkeys

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REM sleep deprivation impairs muscle regeneration in rats

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Tempaku PF, Arruda JR, Mazotti DR, Gonçalves BSB, Pedrazzoli M, Bittencourt L, Tufik S

Characterization of bimodal chronotype and its association with sleep: a population-based study

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Pain-induced depression is related to overestimation of sleep quality in a very elderly population with pain

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