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Pedrazzoli M, Hipólide D, D’Almeida V, Tufik S

The effects of REM sleep deprivation and REM sleep rebound on hypocretin levels in mice brains

Sleep Sci2(1):21-3.2(1):21-3.

Tufik S, Andersen ML, Bittencourt LRA, Mello MT

Paradoxical sleep deprivation: neurochemical, hormonal and behavioral alterations. Evidence from 30 years of research

An Acad Bras Ciênc81(3):521-38.81(3):521-38.doi: 10.1590/S0001-37652009000300016


Alvarenga TA, Patti CL, Andersen ML, Silva RH , Calzavara MB, Lopez GB, Frussa-Filho R , Tufik S

Paradoxical sleep deprivation impairs acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval of a discriminative avoidance task in rats

Neurobiol Learn Mem90(4):624–32.90(4):624–32.doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2008.07.013.

Martins PJF, Nobrega JN, Tufik S, D’Almeida V

Sleep deprivation-induced gnawing-relationship to changes in feeding behavior in rats

Physiol Behav93(1-2):229-3493(1-2):229-34doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2007.08.026

Martins RC, Andersen ML, Shih MC, Tufik S

Effects of cocaine, metamphetamine and modafinil challenge on sleep rebound after paradoxical sleep deprivation in rats

Braz J Med Biol Res41(1):68-77.41(1):68-77.doi: 10.1590/S0100-879X2008000100011

Tiba PA, Menezes Oliveira MG, Rossi VC, Tufik S, Suchecki D

Glucocorticoids are not responsible for paradoxical sleep deprivation-induced memory impairments

Sleep31(4):505-15.31(4):505-15.doi: 10.1093/sleep/31.4.505

Machado RB, Tufik S, Suchecki D

Chronic stress during paradoxical sleep deprivation increases paradoxical sleep rebound: Association with prolactin plasma levels and brain serotonin content

Psychoneuroendocrinology33(9):1211-24.33(9):1211-24.doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.06.007


Fukushiro DF, Calzavara MB, Trombin TF, Lopez GB, Abílio VC, Andersen ML, Tufik S, Frussa-Filho R.

Effects of environmental enrichment and paradoxical sleep deprivation on open-field behavior of amphetamine-treated mice

Physiol Behav92(4):773-9.92(4):773-9.doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2007.06.002

Nascimento DC, Andersen ML, Hipolide DC, Nobrega JN, Tufik S

Pain hypersensitivity induced by paradoxical sleep deprivation is not due to altered binding to brain opioid receptors

Behav Brain Res178:216-20.178:216-20.doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2006.12.016

Silva RH, Abilio VC, Kameda SR, Takatsu-Coleman AL, Carvalho RC, Ribeiro RA, Tufik S, Frussa-Filho R

Effects of 3-nitropropionic acid administration on memory and hippocampal lipid peroxidation in sleep-deprived mice

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry31(1):65-70.31(1):65-70.doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2006.06.019

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